Mood Sense is the only at-home saliva test for mood. Get your starter pack and a subscription so that you’re ready beforehand.

Set your “mood baseline” with the Starter Pack, and we'll tailor a personalized supplement program to help you maintain a balanced mood.

We'll connect you with carefully selected, high-quality supplements tailored to balance your mood.

Subscribe and save, ensuring you always have the test strips you need to stay balanced as your mood fluctuates.

Start with the Starter Pack

Includes 4 tests + reusable test device

  • Get your Mood Baseline, and know how your chemistry is influencing your mood

  • Know which supplements will help your steady your mood

Note: you’ll need to get this before a subscription since it comes with the reusable test components.


Mood Sense works for everyone, but we’ve packaged it up in a few ways to help you in specific situations.


Works especially well for

  • starting a few days before your period starts to alleviate the emotional impact for 8 days in a row

  • or occasionally testing throughout the month to adjust your mood as needed


Crafted for

  • steadying mood swings during perimenopause throughout the entire month

  • or sharing tests with children, teens, and significant others


With this large pack, you can

  • help steady yourself and the family

  • take a test every day (and sometimes twice a day) for when you’re trying to figure out your balance

Health Anchor empowers you to track your key methyl supply levels through life stages, determine methylation status, receive personalized supplement and lifestyle recommendations.

Health Anchor

Don't have your DNA analyzed yet? Not a problem. This for people who haven’t had their done by another provider but also those looking for more answers as research becomes available. Our kit captures more of your health-related DNA than other providers, and we'll continue adding more to the report.

Analysis typically takes 2 weeks after we get your DNA sample back to our lab.

What’s included

  • Your key Methyl Supply levels for childhood, teenage years, adulthood, and post-menopause (if applicable)

  • Determines if your Methyl Supply is overloaded (overmethylation), depleted (undermethylation), or balanced.

  • Which supplement will help you regulate your supply

  • Overmethylation or undermethylation based on the Methyl Scale™, and reporting on other genes like MTHFR and COMT

  • A 4-week gene activation plan to help you switch on the right genes in the right order

  • Personalized supplement, diet, and activity recommendations

  • Family account: get all of your family member reports in one place

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Health Anchor (DNA upload)

Requires you to upload your DNA file from Ancestry, 23andMe, or MyHeritage.

What’s included

  • Your key Methyl Supply levels for childhood, teenage years, adulthood, and post-menopause (if applicable)

  • Determines if your Methyl Supply is overloaded (overmethylation), depleted (undermethylation), or balanced.

  • Which supplement will help you regulate your supply

  • Overmethylation or undermethylation based on the Methyl Scale™, and reporting on other genes like MTHFR and COMT

  • A 4-week gene activation plan to help you switch on the right genes in the right order

  • Personalized supplement, diet, and activity recommendations

  • Family account: get all of your family member reports in one place

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