Take the Mood Sense test
How to
Saliva can be tricky. For that reason, we have these instructions that you should follow exactly in order to get a good, clear result.
If your kit does not have a silicone cup and a dropper, please use these other directions.
If you’re on your first four (4) tests (mood baseline), it’s best to do the test first thing in the morning after you wake up.
Make sure the device is dry first!
Open the test device lid and insert a new test strip so that the white paper side is under the circular hole.
Close the lid and press on the + and - mark to click the lid in place.
You should be able to see the red and blue lines in the window.
Insert new test strip
Step 1
Brush your teeth (every surface) and tongue, with a clean toothbrush and water.
Rinse vigorously with water, 2 times.
Wait 5 minutes before moving on.
If you used toothpaste while brushing wait 30 minutes.
Brush teeth and rinse (water only)
Step 2
Lightly chew on the swab for 1-2 minutes, rotating it slowly.
The swab should be saturated with saliva.
*It may help to place the swab under your tongue and tilt your head forward.
Chew on swab
Step 3
Insert the swab into the plastic thimble.
Squeeze until saliva pools closer to the top.
Collect saliva using the dropper
Tilt the dropper, open-end up and squeeze until air bubbles have been released.
Drop 3 drops into the circle well.
Wait 20-25 minutes, or until the saliva has reached the opposite end (yellow marker).
Collect Saliva
Step 4
Orient your test with the circle well to the right.
Take a photo under good lighting.
Enter your result in the Portal.
You will start getting recommendations for how to steady your mood after 4 entries.
Read the result
The result is where the white stops and the color begins. If the result isn't straight up and down, you may need to look at the surface area of the colored portion
Each blue line is +2 from the black 0 mark. Each red line is -2 from the black 0 mark.
After you’re done taking the test, it’s important to rinse your test components. This will keep future tests accurate.
Open the test device lid, and discard the test strip into the trash.
Rinse the inside of the test device, the bottom of the lid, and the top of the lid around the circular hole
Gently shake the device free of water and lay it out to dry
Rinse out your silicone squeezer cup with water and lay it out to dry
Device maintenance
The test strips are sensitive to light and air. Please keep them stored in their original container until you use them.
Over time a section of the test strips may darken and slightly bleed into the next section, but this is normal and does not change the accuracy of the results.
Test strip storage