How to

Saliva can be tricky. For that reason, we have these instructions that you should follow exactly in order to get a good, clear result.

Take the Mood Sense test

Illustration of a woman brushing her teeth

Step 1

  • Put water on your toothbrush. (Water only!)

  • Brush your teeth (front and back, top and bottom) as well as your tongue.

  • Rinse vigorously with water twice.

  • Set a timer for 5 minutes.

If you used toothpaste instead of water on your toothbrush, set the timer for 30 minutes instead of 5.

Brush and rinse

Step 2

After the 5-minute timer is up, take a swab and clear "squeeze sleeve" bag out of the packaging.

  • Lightly chew on the swab for 1-2 minutes, rotating it slowly as you do so.

  • Occasionally use your tongue to direct the saliva into the swab.

  • The swab should be completely saturated with your saliva at the end of the 1-2 minutes.

If you're having trouble producing saliva, try closing your mouth over the swab and tilt your head downward while lightly chewing.

Chew on swab

Step 3

Insert the swab into the clear "squeeze sleeve" bag, stick-side first.

  • Pull it through until the saliva-saturated cotton is inside the bag.

  • Holding the bag nearly vertical, align the corner of the bag to hover right above the circular sample well on the test device. Do not touch the bag to the device!

  • Squeeze the swab head until two (2) drops land in the sample well.

  • Start a timer for 15 minutes.

It may take up to 25 minutes for the result to show, depending on the thickness of your saliva. If your saliva hasn't reached the yellow pad at the end of the test strip by the end of the 10 minutes, add one (1) more drop of saliva and reset the timer.

Squeeze 2 drops

Step 4

After the 15-minute timer is up (but before 30 minutes has elapsed):

  • If your saliva hasn’t reached the end (yellow pad), it’s not done

  • Orient the test device as seen in this example, and read the result. The result is where the white stops and the color begins

  • Take a photo of the result in good lighting.

Go to the Portal to enter your result and get instant recommendations for how to steady your mood.

Read the result

The result is where the white stops and the color begins. If the result isn't straight up and down, you may need to look at the surface area of the colored portion

Each blue line is +2 from the black 0 mark. Each red line is -2 from the black 0 mark.